THE saga of the parking offences continues.

Recently, at a town centre church, a mourner who had travelled from overseas to attend a funeral parked his car outside the church, along with the funeral cars and received a parking ticket.

The undertaker, who was keeping an eye on things while the hearse had returned to collect some of the sympathy flowers, explained to the traffic warden that the car was part of the cortege and the driver was attending the funeral. But, still a ticket was issued.

It is my opinion that the majority of Boltonians and visitors to our town are law-abiding citizens -- fully understanding the need for the good of rules and regulations, to keep things running smoothly.

But surely common sense, understanding and compassion should also be part and parcel of our lives? "Man was not made for the Sabbath," it is said.

The incident leads me to agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments expressed by Robert Goodman through the letters pages of the BEN that this council of ours really is out to rule and ruin our town with a grabbing fist of iron.

In May's local elections, we should all vote them to be the 'Weakest Link', and wave them 'Goodbye'.

(Name and address supplied)