I AM writing in reply to Julie and Tom Walsh's letter of February 26 about the band 'Inverted Pyramids'.

I came to the conclusion that the band was not up to standard after having to endure four hours of pre-band set-up, repeated attempts to get a sound balance, no knowledge of how to use PA equipment, and general lack of talent.

I invite Mr and Mrs Walsh down to the Farmers Arms this Saturday to watch the UK Doors, who have a mass of talent and set the standards of what pop bands can do.

As to the 'Inverted Pyramids', good luck to them. If they were unsure of how to gig in a pub, why not ask for a practice night. We always let local bands practice on a Wednesday night. No doubt the band will progress to be the best in their mum and dad's garages.

P R Rayner

The Farmers Arms

Chorley Street

Bolton I AM writing in reply to Julie and Tom Walsh's letter of February 26 about the band 'Inverted Pyramids'.

I came to the conclusion that the band was not up to standard after having to endure four hours of pre-band set-up, repeated attempts to get a sound balance, no knowledge of how to use PA equipment and general lack of talent.

I invite Mr and Mrs Walsh down to the Farmers Arms this Saturday to watch the UK Doors, who have a mass of talent and set the standards of what pop bands can do.

As to the 'Inverted Pyramids', good luck to them. If they were unsure of how to gig in a pub, why not ask for a practice night. We always let local bands practise on a Wednesday night. No doubt the band will progress to be the best in their mum and dad's garages.

P R Rayner

The Farmers Arms

Chorley Street
