ON February 19 a 'looked after' young person's conference took place at the Reebok Stadium.

The conference was called "Will You Listen" and was all about the views that young people who live in foster or residential care had about the local authority.

There had been one main group who had been preparing short plays, poetry and many other activities for other young people throughout the day. The Mayor and Mayoress of Bolton also came, along with special guests, Lofty the Lion and Wanderers footballers.

In my opinion, even though I was involved with putting some of it together, it was a very enjoyable but powerful day where we young people had our say and, hopefully, our views will be taken into account for once.

I think me and other people would like to say thank you to the people who helped us young people to have a voice. Bob, Claire and Debbie, we owe you a lot.

Sarah Dorsett

Farnborough Road


