WE in this country are most fortunate to have free newspapers circulated without interference from the EU, but until when?

These know-alls say we must not weigh in ounces, measure in inches or purchase in pounds. There are Acts of Parliament which we should obey, not let others dictate.

Again, these people, we know not who, direct that English as my nationality be replaced by Brit Euro, what nationality is a non-Brit Euro?

A Brit is a person born under the flag of the saints, a European, well, millions were born under the swastika or hammer and sickle.

Europeans have been seeking sanctuary under the Union Jack for hundreds of years, while British have gone to Europe for holiday, or when they have become involved in European wars.

English is the language and sterling is a currency that are international. The world is where we must trade and resist being misled into becoming a stallholder in an open market of cut-price Europe.

I recall 1,000 Reichmarks being used in loos as toilet paper.

Mr J Robinson, Preston.