HOW many theatre companies across Bolton can identify with the Westhoughton Parochial Amateur Operatic Society of 1928?

An article from the Westhoughton Journal, of January in that year, not only gives an illuminating review of the group's production of "The Emerald Isle", but also pictures the cast of 16.

Out of these only six were women.

How different from today's recruitment by drama groups who struggle to find male participants!

Incidentally, the review of the play states: "The production of 'The Emerald Isle' by Westhoughton Parochial Amateur Operatic Society marks an important stage in the fostering of the appreciation of real music and good plays. There is such a vast scope for amateur operatic society and with the selection of The Emerald Isle, I feel

that sticking close to their aim, but at the same time striving to prove their versatility." A TASTE OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC COMES TO TOWN