KARATE kid Lewis Morrison will represent Great Britain in a world martial arts championship at the age of -- EIGHT.

Lewis flies to Vienna in August to compete against karate-trained youngsters from as far afield as America, Italy and Australia.

In the five years since taking up the sport, Lewis has become one of the best in his class, according to his father, Jason.

Over the last weekend he won a silver medal in the British World Karate Association Championships.

And dad Jason. aged 29, said: "He's a smashing lad and he's really dedicated to his karate.

"I've been training for 15 years and I've never won anything."

Lewis, of Halliwell Road, Halliwell, fought in five 90-second knock-out bouts to grab the silver medal.

Judges were impressed by his performance and asked him to join the British team in time for the world championships from August 20 to 28.

Lewis is a red belt -- one reserved for beginners.-- but is currently working on achieving his yellow.

The boy's trainer Jamie Goldwyn, who runs courses at St Paul's Church, in Halliwell and the Sutton Community Centre, off St Helens Road, Deane won a bronze medal in the under 65 kilogram category.

Lewis is looking for sponsorship for the Vienna event. Call his father on 07941 267304.