REGARDING the criticism of my recent letters, i was merely answering Sam's question of the missing fans. Yes I am a so-called moaner, more often than not about the board and very rarely about the team.

I believe I speak for the over 60's when I say that there are significantly fewer £1 buses going to the Reebok than went to Burnden Park.

The cost is higher now because many of us walked to Burnden from our homes, myself from Farnworth and then from Morris Green. An invigorating afternoon out, good for the circulation whereas now we find ourselves waiting in the cold and wet then sat on a bus in the cold and wet, then sat in the Reebok in the cold and wet and then the same again going home.

The Reebok is too far away.

TV is killng the game, particularly Sky TV. There is too much football on television, this in turn provides more revenue for the players' wages, therefore most of them couldn't care less how many fans are in the stadium.

Jim Wilson

Ellesmere Road, Bolton