PRINCE Charles says in a television interview to be shown in Canada soon that he sees no reason why his mother should ever retire. A monarch "is reaching the most useful stage" at the point in life when most people retire, the Prince says in the interview.

EYES down will take on a special meaning for members of a Bolton bingo club on Friday. One lucky player's cry of "Full house" could mean winning his or her own weight in potatoes. The spuds are the first prize in the EMI Social Club, Elizabeth House.


ANITA, the Bolton-born trapeze artist who is appearing at the Grand next week, has just completed a winter season with Bertram Mills' circus at Olympia. Before her marriage Anita was Miss Doreen Brown, and her parents live at 19, Seaton-rd., Smithills. She is now Mrs Frank Foster, wife of the ringmaster of Bertram Mills's show. Her husband is the son of Boltonian Frank Foster, another famous circus personality.


SIR, - In your Wednesday's issue a correspondent, signing himself "Truth", professes to correct the statement that Cobden Mill Fire Brigade was the first to play at the late fire at Mr Foy's Mill. Now when Butler's engine came into the yard, Cobden Mill jet was playing, and had been about five minutes from a plug at the end of the boiler house. We had to lift the Cobden Mill pipe up with the water running through it while Butler's engine went under the pipe to the lodge. I know this statement to be correct, for I was the first to arrive with two pipes and assisted in lifting the Cobden Mill pipe up, and pushing the Butler's engine under and in laying the pipes to the engine. I may also add that if Cobden Mill had had two jets both would have been playing before Butler's engine, for they had another pipe connected to a main in the street, but having only one jet were unable to use it. - Yours truly, J.H.