MIKE Harding's comedy Comfort and Joy is the name of The Players' next production . . . but so far it has been no laughing matter for members of the company.

The play initially had to switch dates, and has now had to swap its venue.

And in an attempt to put their troubles behind them, company members have swept the slate clean.

Instead of performing the play later this month, the production date has been put back to March 20 to 23.

The change of venue, due to no fault of the company, sees the play now being performed at Bickershaw Labour Club, Bickershaw Lane.

Despite having to alter sets already made, company members are happy with the switch and say tickets already bought will be valid for the dates one month on from the originals.

Tickets, £3.50 or £3, are available from 01942 793141. Anyone who has already purchased tickets but has a problem with the new date is also invited to telephone.