MRS Busby (BEN: February 5) complains about the level of Council Tax in Bolton if the rate is set to rise 5.8pc in 2001/2002 and goes on to claim that we are above most Authorities -- which has she chosen to compare us with?

Her charge is not borne out by comparison with neighbouring Authorities. Within the 10 Greater Manchester Authorities, six have a higher Council Tax than Bolton, all six Merseyside Authorities have a higher Council Tax than Bolton and 13 of the 14 Lancashire District Councils also have higher Council Taxes than Bolton. As can be seen, Bolton's Council Tax is in the lower bracket within the North West.

Despite large extra sums of money coming from the Government for education, the NHS, transport and relief of deprivation, these are specific grants which cannot be used to reduce local tax. The benefit to Bolton in these areas are there for everyone to see:- new schools, new classrooms, more teachers and smaller classes for the youngest. Unfortunately, the years of Tory neglect and reduced Government support has left the whole country with a heavy bill and it will take years of effort and more money to put things right.

As regards her pension, she forgets to mention the fuel payments which have brought her hundreds of extra pounds -- rather different from the Tories £10 per year.

Car parking is subject to charges in most of our neighbouring towns and there is really no such thing as free parking -- someone has to pay in some way. We are currently in discussion with the Town Centre Company to see how short-stay shoppers can be helped. Maybe property owners could help, too, by reducing their shop rents?

Councillor R L Howarth

Leader of the Council,

Town Hall,
