I'D like to congratulate V Entwislte in speaking out as she did for Kevin Foster, the butcher who still uses pounds and ounces.

He is quite right to do so, and is doing the public a favour. I for one will not ask for any other measure.

Why, after generations, should we have to change our system and bow down to Brussels. Who do they think they are? What did they do in the war? For goodness sake, who won the war? Anyone would think we lost, the way we have to be subservient to others.

We had to accept the change of sterling, losing out on the new money, new pence instead of pounds, shillings and pence. We lost the £1 note, soon we will lose the £5 note. After getting used to 50p, where once we had 10 shillings, now one shilling is only worth five pence.

Now we are expected to change from pounds and ounces to metres, litres and centimetres. Well, it's not on, and especially for pensioners who fought a war for freedom and will not be dictated to.

Come on all you people who dared the might of Germany, tell the poor specimens who run our country what we people of England think of all the schemes for lowering our standard of living.

Keep fighting Mr Foster, we are all behind you -- let us be proud once more to be English.

Mrs Doris Braithwaite

Eatock Way,

Daisy Hill,

Westhoughton, Bolton