YET again your letters page features another personal attack on Ruth Kelly MP, and in particular her voting record in the House of Commons. This is despite Ruth Kelly providing a full explanation of her voting record, and pointing out that most of an MP's work (and that of a local councillor) is done outside the voting chamber. Let's face it, if all an MP or local Councillor had to do was turn up and vote, we would all stand for election!

It is clear that Cllr Winward and the Tory Party want the voters of Bolton West to be distracted from other, more relevant statistics. For example:

Low inflation

Lowest bank and mortgage rate for years

The minimum wage

More investment in Education, Health and Transport

An extra £3 billion to help families and lift a further one million children out of poverty

It is no wonder that the Tory Party is reduced to sniping remarks about our hard working and dedicated MP.

Lawrence Owens

Bamber Croft,

