I ATTENDED a public meeting recently for the campaign against the Eaves Green/Duxbury link road and development which, if it goes ahead, will destroy not only part of an ancient woodland, but also much of the wonderful open green landscape leading down towards Birkacre.

My warm wishes and appreciation went out to all those who are working so hard for our cause.

Today dawned a beautiful clear winter's day, blue sky and golden sun rising over the tree tops and towards Duxbury woodland.

It reminds me of the many, many times and experiences I have had in and around this local place of space, peace and beauty.

I remember one early morning walk over the fields and in to the woods, the soft spring sunlight shone a ray of magic on to the bluebell covered slopes, woodpeckers hammering sounds echoed softly through the thicket.

A more recent experience, as I walked up out of the wood in to fine open fields, my connection to the space, without and within me.

I saw a cold winter sun setting low and silver, the trees across to the horizon looked black, the sky poured out its radiant beauty and the scene touched my heart so deeply.

I'm asking how any one of us, who ever we are, whatever our motive or interest, can destroy, develop and remove forever such treasured creation, such experiences.

My soul, and yours too, needs these peaceful places and experiences they make us whole and they help create our awareness of the true meaning of our lives here on this planet we call our home.

Mr Alexandra, Chorley.