DEANE Leisure Centre, Junction Road, Deane, tel: 334432: trampoline, 10.15am-1.30pm; badminton, 11am-12.30pm; swim lessons, 9.15am-11.30pm; public swim, 12 noon-1.30pm; fun swim, 1.30pm-3.30pm.

FARNWORTH Leisure Centre, Brackley Street, tel: 334477: open session, 9am-4pm; swimming lessons, 9am-10.30am (SP); families only, 10.30am-3.30pm (SP); splash party, 3.30pm-4.30pm (SP) and 4.30pm-5.30pm (SP).

HARPER Green Leisure Centre, Harper Green Road, Farnworth, tel: 334234: badminton, 5pm; table tennis, 9am-5pm; astroturf pitch, 9am-11pm.

HAYWARD Leisure Centre, Lever Edge Lane, Hayward, tel: 334233: indoor bowls, 1pm-4pm; astro turf, 1pm-5pm; trampoline club, 2pm-4pm.

Horwich Leisure Centre, Victoria Road, tel: 334488: main pool, 9am-4.30pm; fun pool, 2pm-4pm; small pool, 10.30am-3.30pm; light impact aerobics, 10am-11am; high impact aerobics, 11am-12 noon; squash coaching, 1pm-4pm; children's swimming lessons, course of 10, cost £25.

JUBILEE Pool, childrens swimming lessons, 9am-1pm; open swim, 1pm-3.30pm.

Kearsley Leisure Centre, Springfield Road, Kearsley, tel: 334141: long mat indoor bowls (doubles league), 9.30am-12 noon; long mat indoor bowls (casual bookings), 12 noon-4pm; weights room, 10am-4pm.

Little Lever Leisure Centre, Church Street, Little Lever, tel: 334177: Bolton Metro Trampoline Club, 9.30am-11am intermediate/advanced, 11am-12.30pm intermediate/advanced, 12.30pm-2pm beginners/intermediate, 2pm-3.30pm beginners/ intermediate; squash courts available from 9am-5pm; badminton courts, table tennis, 9am-5pm

Sharples Leisure Centre, Hillcot Road, Sharples, tel: 334224: childrens swimming lessons, 10.30am-1pm; family fun swim (fun swims with inflatable may be limited to 1 hour during busy periods), 1pm-3pm; junior gymnastics coaching course, 10am-noon; trampolining, 1.45pm-3.15pm; badminton courts, 9am-5pm; squash cours, 9am-5pm; all weather pitch available, 9am-5pm.

TURTON Leisure Centre, Chapeltown Road, tel: 334440: junior swimming lessons, 9.30am-2.30pm; Soo Bahk Do - Korean Martial Art, 10am-11.30am.

WATER Place, tel: 334466: Tone Zone/sunbed, 7.30am-10pm; Lifestyles gym, 9am-5pm; leisure pools, 10am-5pm.

Westhoughton Leisure Centre, Bolton Road, Westhoughton, tel: 01942 634810: junior swim lessons, 9am-1.15pm; junior soccer courses, 10am-1pm; large pool, 11a.15am-2pm, pool inflatable or splash session, 2pm-3pm and 3pm-4pm.

WITHINS Leisure Centre, Newby Road, Breightmet, tel: 334133: boys only gymnastics coaching, 10am-12 noon; badminton coaching, 10.30am-11.30am; roller skating, 1pm-2pm.

CIRCUIT Training sessions for children, 5pm-6pm and adults 6pm-7pm are held at Gibbon Street Community Centre. Admission free. For further details tel: 528786.

HILTON Table Tennis Centre, Nuttall Avenue, Horwich: table tennis for all ages, 1pm-3pm and 7pm-9pm, tel: Crhis 406693/692752.

BOLTON YMCA, 125 Deansgate: second hand book sale, 10am-12 noon; Tae Kwon Do self defence, 10.30am; modern sequence dancing, 6.30pm.