AMNESTY International members were on the street on Saturday, December 9, outside the Victoria Hall, encouraging the public to sign postcards highlighting the 'Stamp Out Torture' campaign. There was a very good response from the public.

The campaign will be an opportunity to build on Amnesty's experience of campaigning against torture. It will also give added impetus to the work against torture across the movement.

The Bolton Amnesty International Group also organised a Greeting Card Campaign, timed for the festive season. It relies on the sending of a card/letter/postcard to prisoners whose cases are highlighted by Amnesty.

A simple message of hope can offer comfort and support to those suffering human rights violations. For many people, sending a greetings card over the festive season is a tangible way of showing their support for victims of human rights violations. In 1999 a record 65,000 individual prisoner lists were sent out in response to orders received from individuals, organisations, schools and faith organisations.

We have a monthly meeting in the Friend's Meeting House, Silverwell Street, Bolton, on the second Wednesday of the month unless otherwise stated, from 8pm to 10pm. All welcome.

Phil Newsham

Group Secretary

Bolton Amnesty International Group

Tel: 01204 366913