HORSES in Charleston, South Carolina, no longer have to wear nappies. Apparently because of the ridicule to which it was held across the United States, the city council last night repealed a controversial law requiring horses to wear a nappy of some other device to keep the city's streets clean. The law was in effect for 10 days, with one arrest. Although the nappy law has been repealed, another regulation still requires horse drawn carriage operators to get out with a shovel when necessary.

TONY Hobson has won a place in the final of Bury's champion black pudding eating contest. Tony, aged 38, of Lord Street, Bury, ploughed his way through two pounds of black puddings in 15 minutes, and revealed: 'I also had two plates of goulash for my tea.'


From the Evening News, December 14,1950

BY boycotting the price of turkeys, the public is gradually forcing the price down to such an extent that Bolton buyers are confident that there will be a drop in the price of turkeys by 1s tomorrow. Many people consider that the present price of turkeys -- in the region of 7s a lb. -- is prohibitive, and so have not placed their orders for their Christmas birds.

NEVER has the return of a facility been more appreciated or better used than that of the Trinity-st. station refreshment room, a fact reflected by the sale before nine o'clock on Wednesday morning of over 200 cups of tea. This may have been a bigger number than usual, but the rush for a warming drink has brought a daily rush, and on foggy days, when trains are delayed, the call on the refreshment room staff is partcularly heavy. That is how the staff likes it, we are told.


IT is a well-known fact that nearly all complaints arise in the first instance from a disordered state of the stomach. A dose of Holden's Stomach Mixture occasionally will keep the stomach in order, and thus ward off attacks of Cholera, Bowel Complaint, Sickness, Indigestion, Headaches, and nearly all complaints to which the system is liable. It will cure all disorders of the liver and Stomach. Sold by all chemists, in bottle at 1s 1d and 2s 6d. - Advt.

IT'S now the weather is changing,

And White Shirts feel so thin,

Just ask yourself the question,

Before the frost sets in,

Which is the best place I can find

For Woollen Shirts well-made and lined?

SCOTT'S is the shop on Nelson-square

You'll find them Best and Cheapest there! - Advt.