Christmas comes but once a year,

A festive occasion with joy and cheer.

Stomachs getting full on food and drink,

Feeling so bloated that you'll sink.

Kiddies playing with their new toys,

Grandma with jumpers for the boys.

Dad with his slippers and deodorant,

While mum dreams of the 'toy boy' she wants.

The TV is on but nobody watches,

As the family plays Trivial Pursuits matches.

Everybody is getting very merry,

Especially Aunty drinking the sherry.

I hope your Christmas is a good 'un,

And you have lots of fun.

Like you, I believe in Santa Claus,

And it should continue all year without

-- a pause!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!

Robert Goodier

Argo Street
