MR Osborne (Your Views, Monday) follows the same old sheep-like path, believing that Labour MPs are really against fox hunting, or anything else that will catch them votes.

Like all the Socialists, past and present, they simply follow the party line and do as they are told.

Why do you think hunting is cruel, Mr Osborne? Reasons, facts, please, not the same old rhetoric we hear time after time.

This modern society, as you call it, is responsible for declining morals in many aspects of our daily lives: Aids, acceptance of abnormal sexual preferences, child abuse, ever-increasing violence by groups who disagree with people's freedom of choice, a movement by the socialists to rid our country of the one thing that makes it Great, the Royal Family. What next?

No, Mr Osborne, look inwards at what your chosen MPs are really doing to this country. The Queen's Speech laughingly stated that this Government would continue their fight against crime, but one assumes they mean providing it does not involve their own members, or their drivers!

I was once a proud resident of my country of birth, but after the last few years of socialistic fiascos, I prefer to enjoy the real democracy of a country striving to rid itself of the stigma of years of enforced socialism. I recommend that you, too, leave the safety of your Moses Gate castle and travel wider afield and see how the real world is.

I am a huntsman in a country where they use their intelligence, not emotion, to justify the necessity to hunt.

G C Gibson

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Czech Republic

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