A BOLTON man says an accident blackspot which claimed the life of an elderly man should have been made safer more than 30 years ago.

Arthur Sandiford claims people in Astley Bridge have wanted improvements to a junction near the fire station on Crompton Way since the 1960s.

The 50-year-old remembers a friend losing his mother at the scene in 1968 and every time he hears of another accident he feels sad and angry.

Last week, 78-year-old Francis Gallagher was knocked down and killed after a collision with a car as he crossed the busy stretch of road at night.

Mr Sandiford, of Hadleigh Close, Astley Bridge, has a collection of BEN cuttings from 1972 detailing people's concerns about the Crompton Way-Green Way junction.

He said he was stuck in traffic last Monday night when the road was closed off following the accident.

He added: "I read in the paper the next day an elderly man had been killed and felt so sorry for the man and his family.

"The council know this is a dangerous junction, but have done nothing to make it safe. It's disgraceful. How many more people must be injured and killed until something is done."

Mr Sandiford said the stretch of road needs to have a 30mph limit and traffic lights.

He added: "Some people get to that stretch of road and put their foot down. The road also dips so it is difficult to see cars travelling fast."

The Bolton man said traffic lights would also help motorists trying to turn out of Green Way at busy times.

His mother lives on nearby Pimlott Road and sometimes it takes 10 minutes for him to pull out after he has visited her.

A spokesman for the council said their records had not unearthed details of repeated accidents at that particular stretch.

He added: "This junction has not cropped up as a serious problem. We are pro-active in identifying where our major road safety problems are and when we identify these we look at what we can do to alleviate them.

"There's pedestrian assistance further down Crompton Way, at the traffic signals at Tonge Moor Road, which can be used to cross the road."

Francis Gallagher, 78, of Green Way, died of multiple injuries after the collision. He had only recently moved to the area.

ABOVE: Arthur and David Sandiford at the junction