A BOLTON musician has realised his lifelong ambition of making his music available to millions of people all over the world.

Wally Cartwright, from Great Lever, is over the moon after being accepted on the 'People Sound' MP3 music website which offers bands the chance to go online and share their compositions with anyone in the world.

The 48-year-old computer consultant, of Chelsea Road, has dabbled with music since he was a teenager and in recent years has started to compose instrumental songs on his sythesiser and computer.

His wife Lynn, 46, was so impressed with his latest compositions that she persuaded him to take a tape of songs to their local pub, The Cabin, in Lever Street, and the DJ played them to regulars.

Lynn, who has been married to Wally for 28 years, said: "Wally was really nervous but I had every faith in him.

"It was kind of the DJ at The Cabin to take a chance on him and the people in there responded well to the music, so I persuaded him to write some more songs until he had written 14 which was enough for an album.

"He made his own CDs up and I sent them off to as many record companies as I could think of and, even though he got rejections, they were still positive. So I said to Wally get on the net and this week he was over the moon when he got a letter back from People Sound saying his own website had been set up.

"I just can't believe that people will be able to hear his music in places like India.

"I'm so proud of him and his music is just brilliant."

Father-of-three Wally is known as 'Carty' on the Internet and his music has been compared to a blend of Dire Straits, Rick Wakeman and Jean-Michael Jarre.

Anyone who fancies checking out Wally's tunes should access Peoplesound.com and type 'Carty' into the search engine.