YOUR recent article about APCOA Parking Ltd (UK) was most appreciated, as I, too, had read the two page investigation of this firm by a national tabloid. The conclusions came as no great surprise to me.

Any firm employed on a fixed rate contract basis, and whose future renewal depends upon a success rate, will always encourage its employees to maximise the returns to their employer, as jobs would be on the line otherwise.

The Bolton Council, through its parking services department, have assisted APCOA, by introducing punitive, unjust, and immoral rules, governing the usage of the blue disablement badge. Any trivial oversight, such as placing the badge upside down when parked, incurs a possible £40 penalty.

The rules are unjust in that they are directed at disabled, and in most cases, elderly people, and are immoral in that the intent is to make a profit.

My wife and myself have had a recent experience of having a fixed penalty imposed for, as the document says, contravention of '01 No Waiting', in spite of a blue badge being displayed. My appeal against the penalty has been forwarded, and a decision awaited, along with an explanation of clarification of the so-called offence.

I have in the meantime written a letter to the Assistant Director of the Parking Services, expressing my views and disquiet about these ridiculous rules.

J Holding

Victoria Court.

Stocks Park Drive.

Horwich, Bolton.