"IT has made my life complete." "I feel needed . . . " "The wonderful feeling I get every day as if it was Christmas Day."

What is it?

Parenthood, as described by dads to the Maternity Alliance.

It's also part of their research for an informative new publicaton which looks at men's feelings about becoming a father for the first time.

As well as the "aaaah!" factor, it also gives practical tips on the transition to being a dad.

The Maternity Alliance put together "And Baby Makes Three" because there was so little just for first-time fathers. It joins the national charity's popular Guide series looking at a range of pregnancy and parenthood topics.

This rare book includes sections on supporting a pregnant partner, changing from partners to parents, family finances and legal rights.

It also highlights negotiating leave from work, men's reactions to labour and birth, breastfeeding from a father's point of view and balancing work and home life.

It's deceptive looking because you might be forgiven for thinking that it's a souped up leaflet. However, it's well worth the £3 cost because it's written in an unpatronising way, and packed with genuinely useful info.

Send off to the Publications Department, Maternity Alliance, 45 Beech Street, London EC2P 2LX for your copy.