JUBILANT villagers were celebrating after a climbdown by Blackburn Council highways chiefs who were threatening to close a vital road link.

The bosses wanted to shut Bury Road in Edgworth for two weeks which would have led to villagers making an eight-mile detour through Bradshaw and Bromley Cross.

Residents predicted traffic chaos and local businesses said their trade would be threatened.

But after pressure from villagers -- backed by local councillors Jean and Colin Rigby -- the workmen have now said the road will not be closed while drain repairs are made.

Cllr Jean Rigby said: "We weren't told about the road closure and nor were the police. They said it was not something that we needed to be consulted on.

"But you can imagine the problems of trying to get through Edgworth if the road had been closed. It would have been a nightmare. There has only been a U-turn after a considerable amount of pressure from locals."

Highways chiefs said they were now closing only part of the road while work continued on the main drain.