THE groundsman of Walshaw Cricket Club collapsed and died on the field he looked after for years.

Bob Pilkington aged 63, of Byron Road, Greenmount, had been working on the cricket ground on Sycamore Road when he suffered a heart attack.

Bob was married to wife Sandrea, aged 57, and had three children Michelle, aged 29, Christina, aged 26, and Stephen, aged 25.

Daughter Michelle, who married earlier this year, said: "When he was at Bury Grammar School, he used to play on Saturday mornings and run up Walshaw Road and to bowl for the club in the afternoons.

"I think the club barman summed it up when he said he could not get used to being there and not hearing the noise of the mower.

"He loved his cricket and was a Manchester United fan, which used to bring some arguments because the rest of us are Manchester City fans."

Bob played cricket at the club in the 1950s and 60s and was instrumental in the formation of Walshaw Sports Club in the 1960s.

He was made an honorary life member and became treasurer.

A minute's silence was held at Wednesday's under-18 game and they will held as a mark of respect at the club's senior matches this weekend.

The funeral will be held at Christ Church, Walshaw, at 10.30am next Thursday.