THE BBC, the Beatles and William Shakespeare are rated by North-west people as the nation's three best exports.

This was the result of a survey commissioned by British Trade International to promote its Export Award for Smaller Businesses.

North-west small firms are being told in the light of these findings that their size is no restriction on becoming important exporters.

The awards -- now in their 32nd year -- are designed to recognise, reward and encourage outstanding export achievement.

The closing date for entries is May 30 and further information can be found at

Entry forms are available by telephoning 01342 335530.

There will be 12 regional winners from which one will be chosen to receive the top national award of Best Exporting Company of the Year.

The Awards are sponsored by Grant Thornton, British Exports (part of Reed Business Information) and HSBC.

There is support from the CBI, the AEEU, the British Chambers of Commerce and the Institute of Export.

Mr John Battle, Minister at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, said: "Globalisation and the increasing influence of the Internet offer fresh opportunities to the smaller firm.

"Exporting is a key to innovative and bold new culture.

"By entering the export market a firm can fully demonstrate its global potential for expansion, get on an international footing and underpin jobs and wealth creation."