LITTLE Stephen Andrew Thompson's early arrival meant his mum spent Christmas Day in hospital instead of with her family in Cumbria.

Mother Jane, 33, was just starting to open Christmas presents with her husband Simon, 42, at their Lostock home when Stephen decided to make his entry into the world.

Jane said: "It was certainly a different Christmas Day. We were supposed to be driving up to relatives in Penrith, but Stephen obviously had different ideas!"

Stephen, the couple's first child, was not due to be born until January 4. Simon said: "We were a bit worried he might be born on Millennium Eve, so Christmas Day was better really. We're delighted he's here."

Stephen, who weighed 7lb 7oz, was one of 11 babies born at the Princess Anne Maternity Unit at the Royal Bolton Hospital during Christmas Day.

They were all presented with commemorative silver spoons by Bolton Hospital Saturday Fund president Margaret Marsh, who also donated £100 to the special care baby unit. It is the first year spoons have been presented. In past years teddy bears have been given at Christmas.

First born on the day at 3.23am was Mohammed Rashid, who weighed in at 7lb 7oz, the son of Uzma Rashid, of Deane Road, Deane.


Other Christmas Day babies included: Shaheen Khan, 6lb 4oz, daughter of Shaheen and Zabar, of Broadway, Farnworth; Nathan Aston, 8lb 8oz, son of Carol and Gareth, from Poulton Avenue, Bolton; Daniel Weaver, 8lb 11oz, son of Jayne and John of Nandywell, Little Lever; and "Little" Vara (who has not yet been properly named), daughter of Sheela and Sailesh Vara, from Ladybridge, who was a month premature.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.