WE welcome the decision by Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott who has given the go-ahead to a multi-million housing development at Bromley Cross.

homes will be created at the derelict Eagley Mills. This should improve the area for residents already living in the vicinity.

We appreciate that part of the site is inside the Green Belt and that some people were hoping to have had open green fields instead of housing.

But we believe that Tory Cllr Norman Critchley is correct in saying that this was never going to happen.

It is far better to have the mills converted into homes rather than adapted for industrial use.

Another welcome by-product of the scheme is that major road improvements in the area will be carried out and only emergency vehicles and buses will be allowed as through traffic on Hough Lane.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.