THE one and only hospital in the area is badly sited and badly planned. However, in order to waste still more Health Service money three new groups are to be formed (with no more beds) which will result in still more chairmen, more chief executives, more directors and, of course, more offices and car parks for staff only. It is also certain that these people will not serve on a voluntary basis.

On the other hand, this same hospital has to face large claims for medical negligence using the excuse so common to the present slippery eel Billingsgate Market Government - these costs were incurred before we became a Trust.

This week, in the national press, a report was given of a baby dying through the mistake of an overworked and overtired doctor. The doctors in the Bolton Hospital are often overtired and overworked.

I know how long it takes to make the journey along these meandering, time-wasting corridors from K2 Ward from the A block. It takes approximately 30 minutes as I have done it for the sake of being able to cost the walking time of staff paid at the minimum rate of £3.80 per hour. Thus it is £1.90 each time a member of staff - on the lowest rate - walks from one end of the hospital to the other, inside or out, plus the exhaustion it causes when they have to push patients in either wheelchairs, beds or on trolleys.

All this is a preamble to ask the people of Bolton to use their power and demand a modern, town centre hospital architecturally designed with plans submitted to all staff for their approval not to the conglomeration of committees.

This will lead to a more efficient organisation and not to money-wasting walking time etc. The shouting that should have been done to retain Bolton Royal Infirmary can be done now to obtain its modern replacement.

Dorothy B Waters

Winifred Road


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