ARSONISTS dumping and then torching cars at secluded beauty spots in the Rivington area are warned they will be spotted.

North West Water, which owns most of the land around Rivington, is so concerned about the burgeoning problem it is staging a crackdown.

Rangers and wardens in Lever Park, near Horwich, will be on the look out for those dumping the cars in the beauty spot on the edge of the West Pennine Moors.

Phil Luff, leading ranger for the Rivington area, said: "Our rural estates staff will be joined by local park wardens and we will be organising special surveillance which will take place particularly during the evening and late at night.

"Burnt-out vehicles are an environmental eyesore. We are determined to stamp out this problem."

The crackdown follows a successful campaign by the water authority in stamping out fly-tipping. Staff cleared 1,000 old tyres dumped in the area during the initiative.

Mr Luff added: "The greater Rivington area is an attractive one with an abundance of wildlife which is greatly appreciated not only by visitors but many local people.

"We want to maintain it that way and that is why this latest problem has to be tackled quickly and effectively."

North West Water called on walkers and other countryside users to watch for anything suspicious.

They should ring the police, or water authority rangers on 01204 691549.

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