AT the public meeting on Monday, February 8 in Westhoughton Council Chamber, Cllr Guy Harkin (Labour), Deputy Leader Bolton MBC, disguised as a Westhoughton resident, sought to distract the public in attendance objecting to the Lee Hall proposals, saying that "misinformation" and "lies" were being disseminated.

It will, therefore, be obvious that Cllr Harkin and Co are carrying out a damage limitation exercise, in the hope that the truth will be suppressed in Labour participation in the demolition of Westhoughton.

My comments at the meeting - and previously in these columns - were based on documented facts originating in Bolton Town Hall and the BEN. I realise my suggestion that Cllrs Howarth (Letter), Foster and Finch (Chair and Vice Planning) might face the flak or the reminder that Bolton had granted themselves planning consent and sold the land at Deane Base School - a greenfield site so believed by John Prescott MP - might bring on a fit of umbrage in Cllr Harkin, along with others of that ilk at the meeting.

Whatever else might be said it is an everyday fact of life in Government - national or local - that officials act in accordance with policy or instructions laid down by elected representatives, and so authorised act or speak on behalf of authority. Cllr Harkin and Co are party to this either directly or by association. Such being the case consider the extract from the BEN, February 14, 1985 (Bolton Library Archives) ".... Senior Bolton solicitor Mr Mike Chambers told a public inquiry, that in Westhoughton there was an almost unlimited supply of building land available, preferable to land wanted by Barratt in Bradshaw.."

I had hoped, and asked, that Cllr Harkin would have withdrawn his remarks - "misinformation and lies" - he hasn't!

When did truth ever become offensive except to the guilty ear?

T T Riley

Dixon Street, Westhoughton

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