PATIENTS are being forced to wait weeks between medical appointments because of a lack of cash.

Community health bosses are seeing more people joining waiting lists for podiatry and clinical psychology services.

This means long waits for initial treatment and between appointments.

Jenny Crabb, chief officer of Bolton Community Health Council, said: "Patients are feeling they might as well have not attended their first appointment.

"The wait is so long between appointments that the effectiveness of early treatment is reduced."

In a report to Bolton Community Healthcare Trust, members were told there has been an increase in the number of patients being referred for podiatry - foot - treatments and clinical psychology sessions.

A bid has already been submitted for extra cash to boost podiatry, and, in a statement issued by Wigan and Bolton Health Authority, the Community Trust's case has been recognised.

A spokesman for the health authority said: "We are aware of problems regarding long waits for appointments and long delays between treatments.

"The situation has been addressed in our Health Improvement Programme and there is a recommendation for increased funding to go before the health authority meeting in March."

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