WE have to admire very much the letter from "Rover"at Heaton, Bolton in the BEN, January 9, which was well overdue. It's about time the Rovers of Bolton and district had a say in the matter of dog fouling proposals, when it isn't our fault.

Have all the moaners who keep complaining about us looked on their own doorstep? We all agree, on our daily walks we see the litter left by human beings and children whose parents complain about us, such as crisp bags, chip trays, chocolate papers that could choke us, also beer cans, bottles, contraceptives, which motorists just throw out of the windows.

When we go on our daily walks, our master takes a carrier bag to fill with rubbish that mankind has left, and it far outweighs our dirt we can tell you.

If some people would take a closer look when in the country, it isn't always "Rover's" dirt that they are viewing. People would be surprised what we see on our country walks. If only we could speak, it would be a draconian proposal of Bolton Council with regard to human behaviour concerning the supposed "Man's Best Friend".

We are behind you all the way, Rover.

Your friends Becky and Lucy

Turton Road, Tottington

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