TWO Bolton companies are in a group of eight North-west businesses selected to represent the engineering sector in a new environmental project.

Edbro and Bellhouse Hartwell are taking part in Environet 2000.

The initiative, which is being supported by the European Regional Development Fund, looks to demonstrate the benefits of effective environmental management across a number of industry sectors.

The engineering sector participation is being led by the EEF Associations in the North-west.

Mr John Brown, Chief Executive of EEF Lancashire, said: "The aim of Environet 2000 is to improve the position of local industry by good environmental practice.

"Many companies think environmental improvements cost money, but we aim to prove that good practice makes sound business sense too and to show how real savings can be made in such areas as waste reduction and energy costs."

He added: "We estimate that most of the participating companies will save in excess of £30,000 per year with improvements in environmental performance which are introduced at little or no cost."

The project will finish at the end of 1998 when the companies participating will be the focus of best practice case studies available to other businesses.

The number for EEF Lancashire's confidential Environmental Helpline is 01204 365305.

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