SIR: With regard to a full page story on Monday, September 8, 1997, entitled 'Sunday success story'.

I couldn't help to think how nice it used to be when everything was closed on Sunday. Not so much for religious reasons, but more for family reasons. It's no wonder that there is no sense of family these days. I feel sorry for the parents who have to work on the child's day off from school, which means more childminding, and also for the young teenagers who don't get to spend the day at home with family.

If the owners, vice presidents, regional managers etc of these large food and retail stores, who get SO excited over the money they have made during the day, would think about closing on Sunday and spending the day with their families, they might realise what is more important. I am sure that all Sunday employees would agree with me.

Michelle Bostock,

Lostock, Bolton.

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