SIR: Poor Brian Iddon MP! Lengthy and late sittings with full debates on the new bills (BEN: September 12).

He knows, as we all do from watching Tony Blair on television addressing the 416 Labour MPs prior to them taking their seats, that he warned them: any deviation from party policy, and come the next election, and re-selection, the dissidents will kiss the Commons goodbye.

Naturally, there will be token objections (the look-good factor), but come the voting and the bills will be carried and Brian Iddon knows it.

He may be a pyrotechnic expert, but he won't 'sparkle' in the Commons. A couple of token little bangers maybe; too much out of line and he'll certainly get a rocket.

I've come to the conclusion that 'MP' no longer is indicative of Member of Parliament, but it now equates to Mandelson's Puppets.

T Walters,

Tottington Road,

Harwood, Bolton.

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