SIR: Regarding your recent article in the paper about the minimum wage.

The reason the bosses of companies are getting a little upset is they have had it too good for too long, paying peanut wages, so they can ride about in Rolls Royces, Bentleys etc.

If they have to pay more (which I very well hope so) you will see some very prestige cars for sale. They did not open a business working for £2.60 - £3 per hour. How do they expect Joe Public to when we all have bills etc to pay?

I say this government should make them obey new rules on working conditions and pay proper living wages. Might I suggest £4.50 per hour?

Mr S Watson,

(unemployed HGV night driver)

Worcester Road, Little Lever, Bolton.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.