A GIANT cinema complex has been forced to turn people away from the surprise hit British film that everyone's talking about.

People are flocking in droves to see the hilarious The Full Monty at Bury's Warner Village Cinema Complex.

The 1,000 seats have been filled so quickly that many have been disappointed.

A spokesman for the complex at Pilsworth said "word of mouth" was the main reason for the incredible queues to see the comedy about a group of steelworkers who decide to have a go at being male strippers.

And the response has been the same throughout the whole country.

Hundreds of cinema-goers have been turned away at weekends because the two cinema screens showing the film at Bury have been filled.

The spokesman said: "Unfortunately, at weekends, we have had to turn people away, but it's easier to get in during the week."

Management say the film is proving a phenomenal success because "it's just so funny". Star of the film is Robert (Hamish Macbeth) Carlyle who gets five other gritty Yorkshiremen together to try their hand at male stripping.

Four weeks into its run at Bury, the film is still bringing in the crowds. And it's proving just as popular in the States, said the cinema spokeswoman, where Americans are flocking to the movies to see the latest offering from Britain.

The spokesmaan said she believed the sequel to Jurassic Park - The Lost World had proved more popular than The Full Monty, but the little British film with not a single special effect in sight is rapidly catching up as word spreads and reviewers rave about just how funny it is.

She said: "The Lost World appeals to families as it has a PG certificate. The Full Monty has a 15 certificate."

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