RIDERS from Bolton trotted home with prizes galore in a weekend horse show in Cheshire.

Bolton and District Riding Club, based at Thicketford Road, in Bolton, took the top prize in the Hoof Print Classic, held at the South View Equestrian Centre in Wettenhall in Cheshire.

And the Silver Birch Horse Club, of Cartmel Crescent, Bolton, took the third place in the competition.

Clubs from throughout the region took part in the 59 classes that made up the event.

More than 50 riders from the Bolton and District Riding Club, some as young as five, entered the classes and impressed the judges with their skills and deportment.

They notched up more points than any other club to pick up the first prize.

Mrs Wyn Goodwin, the club's secretary, said: "We have entered the competition before, but this is the first time we have won."

The next event organised by the Bolton and District Riding Club is a cross country meeting on October 26 sponsored by Bolton firm Indespension.

The Silver Birch Horse Club, which was opened by David Baxter just three years ago, has 120 members.

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