TEAMS from Bolton, Bury and Wigan are among 131 young people taking part in this year's 999 Challenge.

Over the past 12 weeks the teams have met for a behind-the-scenes look at the role of the police, ambulance and fire services. From each emergency service they received four training sessions, including basic training in crime and fire prevention and first aid.

Next Saturday the 11 teams face the next stage in the battle for the title of 999 Challenge Team 1997, when they meet at the Greater Manchester County Fire Service's training centre in Manchester.

The day will draw on knowledge gained during activities based on the three emergency services, and will include a comprehensive challenge, which last year took the form of a major accident scenario.

In October the teams meet again for a course in the Lake District, and will carry out a crime prevention-led community project the following month.

The winning team will be announced during a presentation evening in December.

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