BOLTON Council's decision to cut down on emptying litter bins and sweeping streets is worrying. The town already has a litter problem and this strategy will exacerbate it.

We acknowledge the Council's dilemma in trying to maintain services while balancing the books, but this is one area in which cost-cutting is false economy.

Bolton is trying to attract shoppers and businesses to the town not repel them with litter-strewn streets. Shopping streets, in particular, need sweeping every day if we are to have a town which is attractive to visitors.

The thinking behind the decision not to replace wheelie bins free of charge is also flawed.

The temptation to leave rubbish for collection in plastic bags will be considerable. This would lead not only in unsavoury eyesores but potential health hazards.

Householders might risk stealing a neighbouring bin rather than pay around £35 for a replacement. The result could be a merry-go-round of theft as wheelie bins become scarce.

The council should have a re-think on these issues.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.