DEVOTED couple Carol and Tony Evans have plenty to celebrate after winning the BEN and Whitakers of Bolton Valentines Competition.

Carol and Tony of St Kilda Avenue, Kearsley were nominated for the fantastic £1,000 romantic prize by Tony's mum, Mrs Betty Oversby, because of their care for each other and their three children.

"They always put their welfare before themselves," said Betty.

"They have two sons aged 12 and 13 and a daughter who is nine. Both boys are very severe haemophiliacs who suffer terrible bleeds into their joints.

"The heartache this causes Tony and Carol is unimaginable but they never complain and are always ready to help out others." Later this year the couple celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary and neither have ever forgotten a birthday or anniversary.

Although they always send each other a Valentine's card, money has been tight since Tony was made redundant last year.

Their prize includes a double bed worth nearly £500 plus luxury bed linen, duvet and pillows - a particularly welcome gift as it is the first new bed of their married life.

On top of that the couple are having a day of indulgence at Whitakers with overall his and hers pampering at the Steiner Hair and Beauty Salon after which Carol can choose £50 of luxurious lingerie.

The couple are rounding off the day with a delicious meal at the in-store restaurant and to make sure the fizz stays in the romance the couple will be taking home a bottle of champagne and box of truffles.

"Luxuries like beauty salons, lingerie, a new bed and bed linen are things Carol reads or hears about and dreams about, not things she can afford to indulge in," said Betty.

Carol was surprised and thrilled to learn she had been nominated and won the competition.

"It is brilliant. The only thing we have ever won before is a teddy bear 13 years ago," she said.

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