UNION chiefs are demanding a full public inquiry into Bolton's under fire psychiatric unit.

UNISON welcomed the findings of a critical report into the mental health service made public this week.

But the union claim the investigation did not go far enough and want a public inquiry to quash fears of a cover-up and answer key questions.

UNISON claim strict terms of reference laid down by Hospital Trust mean many of their fears were not investigated by the inquiry team.

UNISON want to know why there were apparently unconnected deaths leading up to February 1996, how complaints of maltreatment were handled and the quality of record keeping on the wards. They are also demanding an investigation into the impact on the unit of non-permanent or inappropriate staff, morale and "arbitrary" management practices, particularly in regard to disciplinary matters.

Stephanie Thomas, UNISON's Regional Health Officer, called for a full public inquiry and said: "UNISON believes that users, carers and staff are much more likely to accept the recommendations if they feel they have been treated fairly and their questions and concerns have been considered fully.

"All those involved deserve an explanation of what happened and why it happened. It is only by establishing these facts that responsibility and accountability can be established."

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