SIR: We all expect, at this time of year, the odd banger being set off after darkness falls. But for mindless youths, obviously under 16 years to fire rockets horizontally along the street aiming at young children playing the afternoon, is really beyond tolerance.

Fireworks are not toys, they are explosive devices which can cause serious injuries or worse, in the hands of irresponsible people.

It is obvious to me that some firework retailers are breaking the law by selling to persons who are clearly not16 years old.

I suggest there's a need for ALL firework retailers to act responsibly when selling fireworks and more responsible parenting is needed also.

If it is not possible to have responsible retailers and responsible parenting ban public sale of fireworks, make fireworks only available to registered responsible organisations for the purpose of public display.

I've seen the damage a firework can cause when used irresponsibly, maybe the mindless youths should too! Who knows, they may think twice before they set off their next firework.

Concerned, Horwich

(Name and address supplied)

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