POOR Richard Palmer, head of the British Olympic Association, is to be carpeted for the mediocre performance of Britain's athletes in the Atlanta Olympics. There is no use, though, in making him the scapegoat for an absence of a proper national system of breeding sporting excellence.

Schools need more help and finances to improve facilities, and a real sports' education policy. Other countries nurture their athletes, almost from the cradle, offering incentives to excel right through college. Our ramshackle amateur system still throws up natural brilliance, but it's ridiculous to expect Olympic medals to ensue without all-round, long-term commitment to sport. POOR Richard Palmer, head of the British Olympic Association, is to be carpeted for the poor performance of Britain's athletes in the Atlanta Olympics. There is no use, though, in making him the scapegoat for an absence of a proper national system of breeding sporting excellence.

Schools need more help and finances to improve facilities, and a real sports' education policy. Other countries nurture their athletes, almost from the cradle, offering incentives right through college to excel. Our ramshackle amateur system still throws up natural brilliance, but it's ridiculous to expect Olympic medals to ensue without all-round, long-term commitment to sport.

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