LITTLE Naomi Brownlow, from Bradshaw, is hoping to cheer up the Queen with her artistic efforts.

Naomi, aged six, of Bradshaw Meadows, sent Her Majesty a picture she had painted depicting a queen resplendent in her palace.

The Egerton Primary School pupil also wrote to the Queen asking her if she was going on holiday - because she was!

The colourful painting and note must have brightened up the Queen's day during her difficult times because her lady-in-waiting wrote back to Naomi.

After receiving the reply, the delighted youngster has proudly shown all her friends and family the letter which gives her artwork the royal seal of approval.

Her mother, Jacqueline, said: "She is really pleased with the letter. It was Naomi's idea to send the picture to the Queen. I just helped with the envelope and to post it.

"The lady-in-waiting's reply said the Queen was very happy to receive the letter and thanked Naomi. I'm really proud of her."

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