PUPILS and staff from Birtenshaw Hall School were bowled over at a special presentation ceremony at the Oval cricket ground in London.

They were handed the keys to a new adapted minibus to be used for the benefit of the pupils at the school.

The New Horizons Minibus has been largely sponsored by Media Week, with a donation from the school association.

It was presented to a small group of pupils and staff prior to a Media Week cricket match organised by John Ayling of the Lord's Taverners.

Chris Jamieson, school principal, said: "We are delighted to receive the vehicle which will replace our oldest minibus which is now 15 years old.

"We first made application for a Lord's Taverners New Horizons Minibus early in 1992 and are very pleased that our long wait is over.

"The minibus will be of great value in extending the curriculum available to our pupils and will ensure the safe transport of our pupils at all times.

"I am sure the children will be thrilled with the new bus."

The three pupils accompanying Mr Jamieson were Carlene Knox, 15; Moshin Escop, 12; and Zoe Haslam, 11. They were with Joanna Gadd, occupational therapist, and Yvonne Nelson, therapy assistant.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.