A NEW missile order is poised to bring additional work to the British Aerospace factory at Lostock, Bolton.

BAe is reported to have beaten Aerospatiale of France to a multi-million pound order for anti-ship missiles to equip Kuwait's new fast patrol craft. But BAe Defence Dynamics says that although the company is very optimistic it is not saying anything in the absence of a signed contract.

Sea Skua is said to have impressed the Kuwaiti authorities when it was fired from Royal Navy Lynx helicopters during the Gulf War.

Of 26 missiles fired, 19 scored hits and 15 Iraqi ships were sunk.

Since then BAe has invested in adapting the missile for launching from light patrol craft as small as 20 metres (66ft) in length.

If this order is confirmed BAe has hopes that it will lead to others it is bidding for in Australia, New Zealand and the Far East.

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