A BOLTON woman has contracted meningitis - the second case in days. The middle-aged woman who is not being named was taken to Bolton Royal Infirmary on Friday but later transferred to Hope Hospital, Salford.

Health chiefs today said the woman's condition is "stable" but stressed there is no link between this case and that of 37-year-old Mr Fred Palmer who, as reported in Friday's BEN, died on Thursday.

Mr Palmer, a divorced father of two who lived in Harrowby Street, Farnworth, was rushed to hospital early on Thursday morning.

Within hours of being admitted to Bolton Royal Infirmary Mr Palmer, who worked at the Fibre Fillings factory on Cawdor Street, Farnworth, died.

Mr Palmer is known to have died of the meningococcal septicaemia strain of the virus which cannot be vaccinated against.

Research just released by the Meningitis Research Foundation reveals developments in the making of a vaccine for Group B strain meningococcal meningitis.

In the past development of an effective vaccine for this type of the meningitis has been hampered because the components which make up the bacteria constantly change.

The research, taking place at the National Institute of Biological Standards and Control will analyse the changes in the strains of meningococcal bacteria in the UK over the past 20 years.

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