WITH children back at school there are simple steps parents can take to help their children maximize their concentration and performance - by giving them a balanced diet of foods loved by nutritionists for their brain and energy boosting powers!

We've all heard the horror stores about junk foods that affect behaviour and keep kids awake at night and we all know that certain foods can help children to concentrate which is highly important to help them do their best at school.

Less well know is that there are certain foods that can help aid memory and keep children more alert.

Including red meat, wholegrains and oats, nuts, fresh fruit and veg and water in their diet is sure to help:

Red meat is rich in iron which is essential for making red blood cells which carry oxygen around the body. Recent studies have also shown that bacon can help to improve performance in tests and liver is a great source of protein, iron and B vitamins which are all essential for brain function.

Liver also contains high levels of choline which is said to dramatically improve memory and one portion every couple of weeks is all that's needed to reap the benefits.

(Just don't tell the cattle, pigs and sheep who are unwilling martyrs to our well-being, eh, Les?-Ed).

Wholegrains and oats are a rich source of carbohydrates which is the brains main source of energy.

Eating something like a wholegrain cereal or bowl of porridge oats for breakfast will stop children having unstable energy levels which can occur as a result of too much sugar found in snacks and processed cereals.

Nuts provide Omega-6 and Omega-3 which are two unsaturated fats which are needed by the brain to regulate aspects of memory and mood. Magnesium also helps to provide energy to the brain.

Antioxidants found in fresh fruits and vegetables such as vitamins C & E are vital for promoting and preserving memory.

Kiwi fruits are a good source of Vitamin C which supports adrenalin glands which help keep you going under stress and blueberries can help to improve memory according to recent studies conducted in America.

Drinking plenty of fresh water is vital for staying alert and being able to concentrate properly, not to mention warding of the drying effects of a musty classroom.

So chuck out the lunchbox choccies and crisps and pack the pupils a healthy start in school life.