IT was a time for prayer and contemplation 21st century style in Bolton over the weekend.

Families, town centre workers and individuals both young and old came together to give thanksgiving and offer prayers using mobile phones and music.

The special 24-hour "Pray without Ceasing" was led by Bolton Methodist Mission, as part of the national Methodist Year of Prayer.

Since the end of June, Methodist churches throughout the country have been taking part in a pray relay, helping local people to explore new ways of praying, which fits in with their hectic lifestyles.

On Friday, Bolton Methodist Mission took over from Birmingham, and launched its special day-long dedication to prayer, with a special service at 7pm, at which more than 150 church members attended.

As part of the service, the church screened the hit Hollywood film, Bruce Almighty, starring Jim Carey.

Minister Paul Mason said: "The film was particularly popular with the young people at the church. We showed the film because it focuses on prayer, something which we wanted to encourage.

"During the soup supper we used a power point presentation to depict images used in the MakePovertyHistory Campaign, which focused peoples thoughts."

The use of visual aids to encourage and inspire people to pray continued throughout the day. Mr Mason said: "We had a number of workshops for both adults and children, including making a prayer bracelet out of colour beads, with each colour representing an idea for prayer.

"There was a musical workshop where a selection of contemporary and classic music was played which people could listen to and reflect and inspire them to pray.

"This music will now be put on our website which people can download and use at home at any time.

"We also encouraged people to use their mobile phones to text people who might be going through a difficult time and tell them that they were thinking of them and praying for them."Other activities include a prayer walk through the town centre.

"We hope that people take away with them ideas from the weekend. Reflection is good for everyone of all faiths, and we used different ways in encouraging people to focus their thoughts," said Mr Mason.

"Too long the church has relied on talking which people today do not relate to, todays society lives in a visual age."

Mr Mason added: "Bolton Methodist Mission itself will now explore different ways on how to open up the church more for people to come in and pray."